Kentucky Limoncello

Kentucky Limoncello

Recipe makes about 3 quarts

Steep Time: One month.

Special equipment: A high quality y-peeler makes peeling all those lemons much easier!

15 organic lemons

2 bottles (750 ml each) un-aged bourbon (or vodka)

4 ½ cups sugar

5 cups water

Wash the lemons in hot water, scrubbing thoroughly.   With a vegetable peeler, remove the peel.  Scrape away all the white pith on the back of the peel with a knife if desired (too much pith makes for a bitter flavor).  

Put the peels in a one gallon  jar with a lid.  Add 1 bottle of unaged bourbon or vodka; stir. Seal the jar. Place in a dark cabinet for at least 2 weeks and up to a month. 

After at least 2 weeks, make simple syrup by combining  the sugar and water  in a saucepan over medium high heat. Cook  for 5 minutes. Let the sugar syrup cool completely in the pan, about 10 minutes. Add the sugar syrup to the lemon mixture. 

Stir in the second bottle of unaged bourbon or vodka.   Re-seal the jar; return to the cabinet for 2 at least more weeks. 

Strain the mixture; discard the lemon peel.  Pour into clean bottles with caps or corks. Keep a bottle in the freezer until ready to use. (Store extra bottles in  the refrigerator) 

To drink straight, serve, icy cold in very small glasses.

For a pretty and refreshing cocktail, use it to make my Kentucky Lemon Blossom.


Equipment list for Bourbon Women Workshop


Cherry Vanilla Old Fashioned